Cynthiana, KY 41031
About Us
Sheriff Shain Stephens was elected as the Harrison County Sheriff on May 20th 2014. Sheriff Stephens was sworn into office on August 1st 2014 due to the early retirement of his predecessor Sheriff Bruce Hampton. Sheriff Stephens started his law enforcement career in 1988 as an officer with Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement. In 1994 Sheriff Stephens went onto become a trooper with the Kentucky State Police. While with the Kentucky State Police, Stephens served in numerous positions with The Kentucky State Police Academy, D.A.R.E Officer and Public Affairs Officer for KSP Post Six Dry Ridge, KY.

Some of the first sheriff’s office employees the public meets are the administrative staff of the Harrison County Sheriff’s Office. The responsibilities of the administrative staff cover a very large spectrum of responsibilities.
During day to day operations these personnel maintain and file all records ,reports and court processes. They also assist the public with Concealed Carry Weapons Licensing. One of the most important areas these personnel are responsible for is financial accountability of the Harrison County Sheriff’s Office. The financial accountability ranges from making tax disbursements to numerous tax districts to maintaining reports required for tax and fee audits performed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts. Aside from their performing their appointed duties these personnel have assisted deputies and investigators with calming and providing comfort to children who have been involved in numerous crimes. As mentioned earlier the administrative staff responsibilities and talents range from financial accountability of millions of dollars to providing comfort to a frightened child, for these reasons they are the backbone of the Harrison County Sheriff’s Office.
Court Security
The Harrison County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the security of all Circuit, District, Juvenile and Family Courts as well as the common areas in the building in which they are held. Additionally, Sheriff’s Office Court Security Officers monitor an electronic surveillance station/security check point at the Justice Center’s Public Entrance.
The Harrison County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Section is responsible for providing law enforcement service to the unincorporated areas within Harrison County as well as the corporate city limits of Cynthiana when needed . The section is staffed for 24 hour service, 365 days a year.
Duties of the Patrol Section are to assist, protect, and serve. Patrol responds to any emergency calls for service, reports of criminal activity, accident, or natural disaster, and much more. Sheriff’s deputies are also responsible for serving subpoenas, summons, and warrants. The Patrol Section also provides specialized services in the form of a Sheriff’s K-9 team, Accident Reconstruction and Spanish Speaking Services. The Patrol Section also maintains a sheriff’s office presence at numerous Harrison County Events such as school sporting activities, school graduations and numerous other county events.
The Harrison County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Section is responsible for criminal investigations to the unincorporated areas within Harrison County as well as the corporate city limits of Cynthiana when needed . The section is available for 24 hour service, 365 days a year.
Duties of the Investigations Section are to respond to public complaints of suspected criminal activity and to provide investigative capabilities outside the realm of those provided by the Patrol Section. The Investigations Section is responsible for investigating crimes both non-violent, violent and the apprehension of fugitives. Other areas of responsibility are the collection and preservation of evidence located during the commission or investigation of crimes. The Investigation Section works very closely with other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies during the investigation of crimes.